Are you ...
     ...confused with information offering 'The Magic Pill' towards health? 
     ...overwhelmed with all the medications and supplements you're taking?
     ...tired of yo-yo dieting?

Wonder no more!

Through a nutritional evaluation and the Brain Response Test (BRT), Karen Brunner, Nutrition Consultant and Biokinesiology Practitioner, can demonstrate the impact your lifestyle has on your health and show you with certainty how to reach optimal health.

Introducing Karen Brunner, RNC:


I  know you want to know how to regain the health and stamina you need. I believe there are answers in nature for many, if not most, health concerns. If we practice healthy habits and give our body the nutrients it needs, it has a wonderful way of healing itself.

<TABLE BORDER COLS=2 WIDTH="50%"> <TR> <TD>Vitamin &amp; mineral deficiencies</td> <TD>Liver stress&nbsp;</td> </tr> <TR> <TD>Allergic reactions</td> <TD>Free radical oxidation&nbsp;</td> </tr> <TR> <TD>Loss of energy &amp; vitality</td> <TD ALIGN=LEFT>Digestion &amp; absorption</td> </tr> </table>
Without getting too technical, nutrition is a science. Our bodies are made of chemicals, water and electricity. When the body gets out of balance, illness occurs. The health concerns we have can stem from weakness in various systems of our bodies; each body responds differently to nutrients and supplements. My desire is to help you find true health and vitality through education, lifestyle and dietary choices, and, if needed, the appropriate nutritional supplements that will support your nutritional goals. 

As a nutrition consultant, the products I use and suggest are superior formulations that work with the laws of nature to get positive results. The products and small lifestyle modifications I recommend to my clients have been life changing. Sometimes the effects of the products and modifications take action immediately; some may take 60 to 90 days to get positive results.

Through an in-depth health evaluation and interview, I am able to define a custom nutritional plan designed just for you. The Brain Response Test (Biokinesiology) performed for clients in our office enhances the findings in our health interview.

Call me to help you feel better by natural methods.

Karen Brunner, RNC
Nutrition Consultant
Biokinesiology Practitioner

Schedule your appointment today!  Call 714-521-1284
Consultations also available by telephone.    

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Brunner Professional Services, Buena Park, CA, USA - 714-521-1284