Fresh, Quality, Responsive
Opportunity Seekers Names

Order Form

Print out and fax or send with payment

The best in the business, iron-clad, 100% Delivery Guarantee:

We guarantee that every name we sell is deliverable. If you receive any undeliverables we will REFUND 50 CENTS for each of them, even if it's only one! This guarantee is in effect for 60 days from the date your order is shipped. Just return the entire front panel of each undeliverable piece to us, along with the original label, printout or disk, and we will promptly and cheerfully mail you your refund!

Name ____________________________________________________________________

Address ___________________________________________________________________

City, State, Zip ____________________________________________________________

Phone Number _____________________________________________________________

Please make your 3 selections:

Names are sold for one-time use only & may not be copied, duplicated or resold by any means.

Enclosed is $___________

Payment: ___ Check / ___ Money Order / ___ Visa / ___ MasterCard
US funds only please. Canadian customers please add 5% shipping. Other countries please add 20%.

Please print clearly:

My Card # is __________________________________________________ Expiration Date _______________

Cardholder name printed _________________________________________ Signature _______________________________

Mail this form with your credit card information or check/money order payable to:
Paul C Wilson
P.O. Box 26418-F729, Tamarac, FL 33320
or FAX your credit card order to: (954) 334-0996

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